A Fly On The Screen Analogy For Reaching A Goal

Fly on insect net By Jonas Bergsten
By Jonas Bergsten via Wikimedia

A fly clings to the screen as it stares outside at a world it longs for but cannot reach.

Goals feel like that at times. Seemingly beyond our reach because of fear or an inability to find a pathway there.

Immobilized by indecision, the fly twitches its wings in a desperate unease of confusion, then suddenly leaps into an erratic flight, looking for a way outside to the goal that seems unattainable.

In a Hail Mary flight, the fly zigzags around, bouncing from screen to screen.

Is the hole here? Is it there?

How did I get here? How do I get there?

It will take time and effort. But the fly doesn’t have time—a day is a lifetime for a fly, while we humans think we have all the time in the world.

Sometimes, the fly finds its way outside by chance, through a rip in the screen or an open door. Maybe it took a day of bouncing off walls and crawling along window sills for an opportunity to reveal itself, a moment of happenstance that led to a path outside.

Like the fly, we work toward our goals with instinct (luck), timing, and the ability to know how to capitalize on an opportunity accidentally found.

Will we follow up on an email an agent sent?

Will we contact the editor who responded to a post?

Will that positive comment instill us with confidence?

Sometimes reaching a goal can be as daunting as a trapped fly trying to escape from a porch, seeing opportunity through the crisscross of screens, seemingly tangible, yet miles away. It always appears farther than you think and can take years (or an eternity in fly time) to finally get there.

But if you give up because you are tired or afraid you can’t find your way to the goal that has impassioned you your entire life, then your dreams may end up dead on the floor, twitching in regret, like a fly that never finds its way outside.

Find a path to your goal and persist in getting there. The only regret we have in life is the paralysis of inaction from a lack of self-confidence and the fear of failing.

Don’t be that fly that ends up on the floor, on its back, staring at sunlight filtering through the screen, as its life twitches into oblivion. Be the fly that finds its way outside.

15 Comments A Fly On The Screen Analogy For Reaching A Goal

  1. David

    The analogy is good, but I often feel like the “how” is the more difficult part of the equation. If we don’t know what to do (like the fly), how do we get to the other side? A lot of wing flapping in going on, but no progress is being made. Come to think of it, I can really relate to this!

  2. Raj Krishnaswamy

    Just like the fly yearning to get to the other side, I have been working hard all my life.

    Having gotten older ( and hopefully wiser ), I have decided to continue to work hard, but leave the results of my efforts to the grace of the Divine. If I am to get to the other side, a hole in the screen may appear. If not, I shall be denied that freedom.

    In either case, I shall try !!

  3. zacy

    Like the fly, we work toward our goals with instinct (luck), timing, and the ability to know how to capitalize on an opportunity accidentally found.

  4. Olivia Lily

    No doubt! The best post you are sharing. I have never seen a post like this. I hope to see more in the future.as such. keep it up.


    Hi, Hope you are well. This post is so helpful! I like it. Also, it is really informative. I hope all kinds of people like it. Thank you 🙂

  6. Arohi

    The use of a fly in the explain the essence of time and not giving up was an excellent choice.Thanks so much!

  7. trickyreads

    “A ‘fly on the screen’ analogy is an eye-opening perspective on achieving goals. Like a determined insect, relentless focus on our objectives can help us overcome obstacles and reach our desired destinations.”

  8. Rtist.studio

    Absolutely love the analogy of being the fly on the screen when it comes to reaching goals. Just like a fly persistently finds its way to its destination, our team at rtist.studio is dedicated to helping businesses navigate their journey to success through captivating video content. Just as every scene in a film contributes to the overall narrative, every detail in our videos is meticulously crafted to engage and inspire. Cheers to embracing the ‘fly’ mindset and achieving those goals – we’re here to bring your vision to life!

  9. Inaaya Yusuf

    “Reaching a goal is like being a persistent fly on a screen. Despite obstacles, distractions, and setbacks, we must stay focused and keep moving forward. Just as the fly persists, so must we. Let’s embrace determination and press on towards our goals.”

  10. Berkeley

    Nice analogy. I think in addition to intuition, luck and all, unlike the fly, we can make intentional effort to achieve far more with our goals.


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