Shit Happened! Rain, Snow and Windbags at the Polls

In two weeks, a hurricane, election and nor’easter passed through the collective consciousness – I wasn’t conscious. A week without electricity, another (almost) without cable, rendered me comatose.

On election day, a political discussion with a member of the opposing party didn’t go well. Not a good day to discuss politics. Note to self.

The week before, Hurricane Sandy blew past spicy hot Jamaican waters then headed north toward the east coast, breaking wind in Connecticut.


Breaking Wind

Afterward, the unwelcome guest left a mess.


We were the first to lose power on Monday, 10/30, at noon, the same day we received the warning: widespread outages expected. Not auspicious news for many of us in town hooked on well water – no electricity, no toilets – shit out of luck!

Spaghetti wires

Unless, a noisy gas-guzzling generator plugs into the vitals in a house – water heater, fridge, microwave, and well, the well. We’re fortunate to have one, gas fumes, and all.

By Monday night, the entire town lost power. The day after, people wandered the streets dazed, waiting for the utility trucks that arrived five days later, eight days, for others.


On Thursday, 11/1, I drove into town, negotiating the obstacle course on the back roads, littered with deceased trees strangled by power lines. Like a game of Chutes and Ladders, a potential dead-end loomed around every corner.

Branching out

A ten-minute drive stretched into a twenty-five minute odyssey; past flattened fences, upended trees and dismembered branches. Power lines flung across the road like spaghetti.


I spotted a CL&P car parked along a street. The driver looked like a retiree. “Any news on the restoration?” I asked.

“What? What?”

Screaming, “Any news on the restoration?”

“They’ll be making an announcement later.”

If they made one, I missed it, because I had no fucking way of hearing one – CL&P, you suck! – or watching the election on Tuesday – Comcast, you suck!


Last year, at the same time, we lost power for 10 days following another October nor’easter, hoping CL&P doesn’t break that record.

Access road, not

As of  Saturday, 11/3, Day 6, CL&P has a chance of being inducted into the restoration hall of fame.

At 4:30PM, The Ridgefield Press tweets: CL&P now reports 57% of the town has electricity restored and 43% is still without power. More crews are due Sunday.

I’m part of the 43%.

On Sunday, we saw the lights. Got juiced after 5 PM cocktails, a religious experience.

Monday, 11/5 – still don’t have cable, a luxury I can do without, not really. Are you listening, Comcast? You suck!

Finally, got online today, Thursday, 11/8, after countless phone calls to robotic customer service reps. Two days of stress. Two weeks of hell.

I would have been better off zoning out like the dogs.

Jake  and Jenny chilling after Hurricane Sandy

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23 Comments Shit Happened! Rain, Snow and Windbags at the Polls

  1. Pingback: Lauren Salkin

  2. Lisa Buben

    Too funny but I cannot imagine going that long without it. Thank goodness you still had your home in tact 🙂 Glad to see you back up. I would have slept like the dogs til it was over.

    1. Lauren

      Yes, I know. We were so lucky. No trees down, etc. My neighbor lost a giant oak. A family in town had a tree fall on their house. The kids were injured. As of today, folks in New York still without power.

      Nothing had changed as far as my dogs were concerned. : )

    1. Lauren

      We were lucky that we had a generator. We had running water and all the conveniences we needed. Still, it wears on you. Gotta get up and start the generator in the morning, buy gas, fill it up and not spill gasoline everywhere.

  3. Pingback: Lisa

  4. June OHara

    Sandy really sucked. I was lucky, only out of power for two days, but it was so strange. The whole area was upside down. Everything closed, no street lights, stores out of everything. It was truly bizarre. Some people are just getting their power back now. I can’t imagine.
    Amazing how you can describe a crappy situation and convey just how crappy it is/was and still maintain your humor! I related to every word. Great post, and I’m glad you’re back!

    1. Lauren

      Thank you!! Glad to be back. My folks still don’t have power in Armonk, NY. They were told they’d be back on the grid tonight. They’ve been staying at a hotel. I keep offering but they won’t stay here. They don’t want to be a burden. Perhaps, it’s my cooking, or lack thereof.

  5. Jayne

    OMFG! Instead of repairing the power lines that will just fall down again, they should be putting them underground. I mean, what is this? Fucking 1920? I’m so sorry you’ve had to go through all this. You’ve survived it much better than I would have. I’m glad you’re okay and mostly back with the land of the living.

    1. Lauren

      I totally agree. I was yelling about that on Twitter – Instead of spending all the money on elections, bury the damn power lines. But do they listen? No! Now, we have new spaghetti wires and poles.

      It is fucking 1920. So, retro, you know. Thank you. Unbelievably, there are still folks without power.

  6. meleahrebeccah

    I totally feel your pain! I was in the SAME BOAT here in NJ. Powerless for six days. We didn’t even have cell phone reception. Worst. Ever.

    I’m super happy you have electricity again! WHEW!

    1. Lauren

      Thanks!!! I’m glad you got yours back, too.

      No cell service would have sent me over the edge. That’s the only thing that kept me somewhat sane. It’s amazing to see the footage of what’s going on in Long Island. It doesn’t look like a technologically advanced society. It’s really disgusting and shows the poor state of our infrastructure. Bury the damn wires!!!!!

  7. Phil Holtberg

    Hi! I know what you went through. In NYC we had no power for almost a week. My family on LI just got it back today!. I also blogged about this crazy weather. Hope you got through it well. Glad I found your blog as you have a terrific style.

    1. Lauren

      I’m glad you and your family got your power back. My parents just got their power back today in Armonk, NY. It’s horrible what’s going on in Long Island.

      Thank you so much. I’m glad you stopped by.

  8. Pingback: Lisa

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